Edinburgh July 2016 Pt1

Somewhere along the line, I’ve really started to like Edinburgh. I made my second visit of the summer in July, and this time as well as the legal walls and the Royal Mile, I decided to have a walk along the paths at Water of Leith. I fully intended to head toward Leith, but my sense of direction leaves a lot to be desired and I ended up heading back toward the Castle etc instead. I won’t bore you with my photos of ducks etc, but I did find some graffiti along the way. (I also went to New Street again – will post the photos from there next week)

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Gorbals Snake

Reports of a giant snake in the Gorbals, in Glasgow’s south side have not been exaggerated! But worry not, it’s just a mural by Ejek, even the little mouse seems to be safe from getting eaten. Some of you will recognise Ejek from his previous work with Rogue One at Strathclyde University and Maryhill Road, but he’s been active in the area for many years and some of his older work can still be spotted around the city centre. To see more, visit his Facebook page here

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